So, peace is not something we create, peace we can only invite and cultivate the ground of receptivity for, yet peace grows of itself. Together and freely chosen is the way for us to celebrate the peace that includes us together, that is the bond that makes sweet, joyful communion possible. This is like Love, free, freely-given, uncoerced and unmanipulated, flowing from our innate naturalness of being, by Grace in Grace.
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So, ironically, by trying to live at-peace with someone, that may be an act adverse to peace, a violation of the other person having full right to be alienated from us, even to hate us. None of this, peace or not, is personal, for peace is transpersonal, or impersonal, even though we often personalize it. That someone detests Brian, that is not who Brian is, the antagonism is not in Brian, he does not have it or own it. So, our best reply to antagonism is impersonal, and we wisely do not become attached positively when we are aware of being approved of and even loved. None of this is personal, even when we feel it as deeply personal. If we are hated, we give thanks anyway, if we are loved, we give thanks anyway. To pray "Thy will be done" is to pray that we find the divine Will in either, not as a perfect expression of Grace, but that all is included in the Light in boundless Grace.
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Simply, peace is. Or, like the title of the book by Thich Nhat Nhan, Peace is Every Step. However others respond to our presence, we can be peace, we can walk in peace, we can remain an invitation to the joy of harmony. This is so regardless of how we may have felt betrayed by the other or others in the past. Peace is, see, never was, so reconciliation can become a miracle now, in any moment healing can become.
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This reminds of a telling scripture, speaking to the source of much disagreement of spirit among persons, in I Corinthians 6.14. In the Christian scriptures, the question is posed, "What fellowship is there between light and darkness?" The answer to this rhetorical query is "None." Again, simply that you are reacted to by another may result from, not a reaction against you, but that you embody the Truth you are and live and the other is intolerant of that Light ~ he or she will not see this, however. One need never try to make peace between "darkness" and "light." That is futile and unwise. If you grow in the Light, this will draw you to others and away from others. This will attract both "light" and "dark" responses. This is not your right to try to control, to manage ~ Simply remain in the Light, and be graceful in how this both attracts to and distracts from your presence ~ more truly, to and from the Light shining from you.
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